I mentioned in my, “Shower Before You
Write” post, that to be thinking of your story before you even sit down to
start writing can be an enormous help when it comes to using your allotted
writing time effectively. Well there’s one more thing you can do to help keep
your story fresh in your mind so that you can start writing as soon as you open
that document. Record what you accomplished in your writing that day in a

It’s surprising what this will do
for your attachment to your story. I’ve started to refer to my characters as
actual people. They feel real to me because not only do I think about them
while showering, eating, driving, and while writing their stories out, but
they’re also the main topic when I’m writing in my journal. Writing can easily
become a lifestyle when you approach your writing regimen in this manner, with
surprisingly little time invested into it. You don’t have to be writing 3 hours
a day to consider yourself a writer. I’ve done the 8 hour a day writing regimen
when I was younger and still felt like I was lacking some connection other
writers seemed to have with their work. It’s more of a mindset that you need to
get yourself into. When you think of your story so often in a day, you start to
dream and daydream in that realm, you start to feel like you’re a writer
because you’re always there with your characters. And your readers can see the
care you put into your story when that happens.
If you don’t keep a journal, keep a
blog. Talk about the things you’re writing about. Don’t give any plot twists or
overall story of your book away. You want to be kind of vague if you’re posting
it online so your story doesn’t get stolen and published before you get around
to it, but you can still talk about characters without any worry of that. Once
you’re writing about your story even
when you’re not writing in your
story, then you’ll have no problem with jumping back into writing. Once you
start to do this, you can say goodbye to writers block forever.
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